Sunday 2 October 2011

An Appalling Epidemic Amongst Women

The most common malignancy in women is breast cancer, and it is the second major cause of cancer death. This cruel scourge has been accelerating for over 40 years . In 1960 one out of twenty women would develop this horrible affliction, now it is one out of seven. Among all other female cancers put together this particular cancer is three times more frequent.
According to the American Cancer Society over 200,000 new cases of breast cancer will be identified this year, and over 40,000 of these people will die. Men are also affected, for every 100 women diagnosed, one man will acquire this disease. There are various early signs of possible malignancy, a single, firm, and usually painless lump; a part of the skin on the breast or underarm swells and looks odd; veins become more prominent on the skin of one breast; the nipple may become inverted, get a rash, change skin texture, or have an odd discharge; or a depression may be found in an area of the breast surface. seventy percent of all breast cancers are found through self exams. Not all lumps can be felt, mammograms are highly advisable. A mammogram can find a malignant growth about two years before it is big enough to be felt. When breast cancer is discovered early, the five year survival rate is over 95%.
Breast cancer is attacking women in epidemic proportions, and we don't know why. Every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with this disease. This horrible sickness behaves differently in each individual. Research is a need we must all help with. New drugs and therapies are being discovered as you read this. But, only through our help and caring can we combat and, just maybe, eliminate this affliction.


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