Sunday, 2 October 2011

X-Rays and Breast Cancer Risks Considered

Have you have chest X-Rays? Well they can lead to Breast Cancer, or rather they can greatly increase the risks they say. A recent report in the UK says the women who are genetically susceptible to breast cancer can greatly increase their risks by getting chest X-rays.
The report States the Following; A chest X-ray could increase the risk of getting breast cancer; More than 1 in 500 with the susceptible gene face a dramatic rise in threat; Women with the BRCA1 and 2 mutation should opt for MRI scans. At least one medical cancer professor states that although this study appears to have proper data showing this there are limitations to the study because those women who are more apt to be in the hospital for another reason might have other issues involved as well.
Nevertheless the study shows the tens of thousands of women have increased their chances for breast cancer thru chest X-rays in the past. There is more information here and in much greater detail than this article shows.


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